Who has heard the new Pass XA25?

Anyone heard this new Pass amp?

Showing 9 responses by bobheinatz

Terry,  I just noticed that you also reviewed the ZOTL40 and really like it.  Both the XA25 & ZOTL40 are similarly priced, which amp do you like better?  With a 15% off the ZOTL products this is quite tempting.
Thanks Terry.  I have been waiting to read your review.  Still have not purchased but strongly leaning towards xa25.
Also just also read Terry’s review and will be ordering the XA25 very soon.  Thanks for your review.  I have been a tube guy forever but this XA25 should give me the tube sound without the tube problems.  It will be paired with a quality tube preamp.  I am excited!
thanks for your feedback.  It seems everyone who has heard the XA25 loves it.