Who has found happiness giving up on DACs?

With apologies to the other post (and with tongue planted firmly in cheek) and with all seriousness, I have gone back to a CDP. Right up front I'll admit that I have neither the time, resources and the inevitable inclination to try one DAC after another. My ears will never achieve the amount of abuse that those who have gone before me have had to endure. I do not envy you but am thankful. Its folk like me who rely on the accumulated ken of those who have paved the path to certain and wise choices.
Having said that (in none too correct a fashion), I'd like to hear from those who have gotten off the merry-go-round and settled on a CDP.

Showing 2 responses by mitch4t

Not me. I'm moving away from a cd player in the near future. I'm moving towards going with a server based system with a killer dac and either a Squeezebox Touch or a Transporter. CD's seem so er, um.....20th century. It's a new day, the 21st century is now ten years old and I'm moving on with the new technology.
.... a stand alone DAC is just the evolution of audiophiles' tendency to have a separate component for every audiophile function of their system. It was inevitable. I remember having a receiver back in the 70's. Now I have seven separate components doing the functions of what a single receiver could do alone. Audiophiles tend to isolate and separate audio functions for greater flexibility and ease of upgrading components. It is the way of the future and it's here to stay.