Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?

The reason I chose specifically devices with tubes is because, in my opinion, it's much harder to design something good -not to mention gorgeous- looking with tubes and transformers sticking out.

From the ones that I know, which is not a lot, Airtight and Allnic designs stand out in my eyes. Shindo and Atma Sphere, on the other hand, do not look appealing at all. KT-Audio looks beautiful internally, whereas externally it's nothing special...yet?

I'm only asking about design, I don't care about sound :-)

Showing 1 response by jond

I like the way tubes and transformers look! Lots of great looking gear mentioned Air Tight, Shindo, Leben, Atma-sphere, Electronluv, Luxman. I would add Wavac, Kondo, and vintage Marantz. I find stuff like Dared and Raven a touch too blingy for my tastes.