Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild?

I am looking for someone to re-build my Dynakit ST-70. It works as is right now but, I want to upgrade it. I want to upgrade the power supply, the caps and PC board. I also want to give it a face lift and move the inputs to the rear panel. Who does this kind of work? I know will vincent used to restore these but, I can't find a way to contact him. Does anyone else do a good job on them? Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

We've done a lot of them over the years too, as well as PAS-3s and FM-3s.

FWIW any competent technician can handle any Dyna tube gear with ease.
Mesch, if you just want to get the amp up and running, you have to fix the power supplies. The 525V main filter can is available from Antique Radio Supply in Arizona. You will also want to replace the bias power supply caps and the attendant rectifier (the original is a selenium; selenium rectifiers should be replaced when and wherever they are encountered).

If you do those things correctly its likely that the amp will run fine if the tubes are OK and it was otherwise operational when stored.