Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?

Been some banter the past couple of days about bad experiences with a couple of the "Boutique Amplifier and  Speaker Builders"

So I am posing the question of these " Boutique Builders" , who of them have been stand up guys and gals taking care of business for you.

Some may find this information helpful in the processes of making a purchasing decision.

I will say that Upscale Audio has been standup in  the past with an Issue I had with a Pathos Amp and got me fixed up fast.
I have always got good help and advice from David and Gary at Safe and Sound Stereo and Ben at The Music Room Audio. On the manufacturer’s side, Phil Jackson at Parasound has always been good to answer my questions. I guess he got tired
of coaching basketball😂
+1 Sean Casey from Zu Audio, as well as his entire team. Great communication and quick resolution of any issues.

Also, special mention to Russell Katz at Vinyl Revivers in Columbia, MD. I wanted to purchase a Project VCS Mk II a few years back, and I contacted him as the nearest distributor. Now, I DEFINITELY am small fry in audio purchases, but Russell gave me a full tour of the showroom, displayed some new streaming stuff I didn’t know about and made sure my VCS arrived quickly and I knew how to use it. All around a real pleasure to work with.

I ran into him about a year later at Capitol Audio Fest, and he came up to me and addressed me by name! Mind blown!
Guys at Elac and Lounge Audio... they each have excellent CS. Both have service centers in CA and repaired & rebuilt products I own at zero cost to me. Even paid shipping to and from Boston & the two units were out of warranty as well. No questions asked, "just send them in and we'll take it from here." Great follow up emails checking up on the repairs. That's how it's done!