White Substance on Aja 30th Anniversary

Hey Folks,

I was waiting to play my 30th Anniversary edition of Aja on vinyl until I got the system sounding better. After recent changes I was ready to play it. I opened it and much to my surprise it has a white substance on it that has survived a VPI 16.5/VPI fluid cleaning. The picture is at http://www.audiocrazies.com/storage/AJA_30thAniversary_Imperfect.jpg .

I also have this on my mono Doors from the boxed set. Anybody know what it is and how to clean it? Enzymes?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 1 response by mnmark

I also have seen this on several new records. It did line up with the inner sleeve glue joints, so I am sure it is from the sleeve. It has had no noticeable sound effect on my albums. I am also pretty sure that it not glue residue itself that has leaked out of the seams. I think it is probably a solvent that is a component of the glue that continues to offgas long after the glue has "dried" that has a visible effect on the vinyl. Maybe it could affect the durability of the vinyl in this location, but so far, I have not noticed any degradation in the sound of mine.