White residue on stylus

I have found that when i look at my lp under a 30x microscope i can see what looks like a clear liquid or maybe a crystal like substance in the grooves . This is in a very small area but there are a number of these throughout the album. The album has been cleaned 6 times using the following process with AIVS cleaning system.
Enzyeme formula ,light scrub and soak for 30 min. then steam and vacuum.
Super clean formula , light scrub soak for 30 min. and steam and vacuum.
I have repeated this 5 times, with an inspection with the 30x microscope each time. After each cleaning the lp is getting cleaner but the clear substance in the groove has only reduced by about 50% . On the last clean i lightly scrubbed for about 5 min which did reduce it a little more. I have noted the location of these deposits in relation to the label and i am able to view it after each cleaning to monitor the progress so far. I am sure the pops i here are these deposits.
I notice when i play the album i have a buildup of white powdery residue on the stylus that is easily brushed off or removed with a Magic eraser lollipop.

Does anyone know what these deposits are or what is the best way to remove them?

The albums are New old stock direct to disc that have been stored sealed for about 27 years.

Showing 6 responses by albertporter

Agree with AudioFeil, I had the same problem and I believe that's what it is too.

I found the perfect cure, an LP cleaner called Premier'. It's formulated to do the same job as the old Freon based formula but safe for the Ozone layer (and EPA approved for use around humans).

Below is a link to it at Music Direct. I'm sure there are other vendors with it as well. I just bought several cases of it (48 cans) from the local Dupont distributor, I was so impressed with it.

The company is Micro Care Corp. I would look for a local distributor as they do not sell direct. I happened to be lucky that there was a distributor here in Dallas.

I had to set up as a dealer and buy 48 cans to even get a small break. I think it worked out to about $13.00 a can plus tax and shipping.

Unless the guys that retail this are getting a better deal, it's not a big money maker for them. I have a music group of about 20 guys and gals and I'm the supplier on this item for them (at cost). Other people in the group come up with other products and labor so we all share goodies to help our systems.
Thank you for the kind words.

Even if you tried out Premiere' record cleaner at the going price of $20.00, that's cheap admission to test out it's cleaning ability.

If you love it, maybe go for a massive order like I did. Truth is, unless you have a group to split it up with, 48 cans is too much for one person.
What ugly stains on an otherwise great LP. However, it looks more like something from the jacket or sleeve rather than a pressing defect.

I'll look over a few more of my Blue Note reissues.
Restock, I did not have the problem of white marks on my Music Matters LP's. Perhaps I was lucky or there are only a few with the marks.

I assume by Micro cleaner you mean Micro Care, the cleaner is called Premier and it works wonders on mold release, which is what it was designed for.

I'll look carefully at some of my new LP's and see if any have this white contaminant and then test to see if Premier works for that as well.
I use Nitty Gritty cleaning pads, but anything that has a soft "velvet" type surface would work. I would avoid those super large pads as they tend to soak up too much Premier rather than distributing it into the LP grooves.

I've also used the pads that come with Last Record Preservative with good success, although it's easier to damage the LP scrubbing with it, compared to the wrap around design of Nitty Gritty.

Here's a link to image of Nitty Gritty Record Brush


Another link, this is the Last applicator brush


With either applicator, Premier evaporates so quickly you would think it's done no good, until you compare sound of LP's treated with Premier and without.

I think it's important to use Premier first. That way, any dislodged debris will be dissolved and vacuumed away in your Walker, Audio Intelligence, Mo Fi Enzyme or other cleaning fluid that follows.

Since my other post, I took a look at my Music Matters and Acoustic Sounds reissues and none have the white residue.

That does not mean it was not there, all but a hand full have already been cleaned with Premier using my RCM "string" type record cleaning machine, followed by Mo Fi Enzyme or Walker (I have AVS, Walker, Record Research, MO Fi Enzyme and other cleaners laying around).

If I find an LP with the residue problem, I will test with Premier and report back.