Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes.

I need your help guys. I would like to add a tube preamp to pair with my reference 200.2 B&K amplifier. My speakers are large ADS L1590 towers ( 90 DB efficiency rating). They were a flagship back in the day. I have had them restored by an ads tech. I am l looking at  a QUICKSILVER LINESTAGE LS PREAMPLIFIER, VTL 5.5 preamplifier, and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. All are currently used and on audiomart or audiogon. The Sonic Frontiers is for sale on hi-fi heaven. I purchased from them before and they check out the equipment that is preowned. My system is a little bright and dynamic sounding using the sonata B&K preamp. (There best at the time). I am looking for a little warmth in the sound and no harshness. I want some slam and afraid I will lose it if I go with tubes.  I have had success buying certain units because of the knowledge dispensed through this forum I am a member of Audiogon in good standing. Any help would be great. I appreciate the feedback. 


Showing 1 response by retiredfarmer

Well I would think hard about the sonic frontier mainly because of  parts connection.  If you need anything  Chris Johnson  that owns parts connection used to own sonic frontier  and will look after any problems or needs you have. Excellent  service. Now on sonic frontier  if you could find a two instead of a one series  for a good price that would be neat. I have a friend with that one series lre and it is nice for sure. Also you might look for an older canary preamp as well. High quality  made in California  and highly underrated  never had any press in North America.  Either  make I am sure you will be getting  a quality  piece.