Be careful to impedance match a SS amp and tube preamp. Tube preamps typically have higher output impedance than SS which could raise distortion levels if SS amp has lower input impedance. Amps with only 10kohm input impedance may not be a good match. 40kohm or higher amp input impedance is better. 100kohm or higher input impedance is not uncommon with amps designed to work well with most tube preamps. Not just any amp will do no matter how good otherwise. Some SS amps are designed for use with tube preamps and many others are not. I see that amp input impedance spec is 33.2 kohm. Not likely designed for general use with tube preamps but might be OK. You’d have to try and maybe compare to others to know how well it works. If it were me I would probably lean towards sticking with a good SS preamp with that amp. Value of adding tubes will be compromised if components do not integrate well no matter how good either piece may be. Synergy between components is the key to great as opposed to ok sound.
Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes.
I need your help guys. I would like to add a tube preamp to pair with my reference 200.2 B&K amplifier. My speakers are large ADS L1590 towers ( 90 DB efficiency rating). They were a flagship back in the day. I have had them restored by an ads tech. I am l looking at a QUICKSILVER LINESTAGE LS PREAMPLIFIER, VTL 5.5 preamplifier, and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. All are currently used and on audiomart or audiogon. The Sonic Frontiers is for sale on hi-fi heaven. I purchased from them before and they check out the equipment that is preowned. My system is a little bright and dynamic sounding using the sonata B&K preamp. (There best at the time). I am looking for a little warmth in the sound and no harshness. I want some slam and afraid I will lose it if I go with tubes. I have had success buying certain units because of the knowledge dispensed through this forum I am a member of Audiogon in good standing. Any help would be great. I appreciate the feedback.