Which wood Grado

I’d like to experiment with a wood Grado for my Technics 1200GR.  I have Thiel CS2.4 speakers so I’m looking for a Grado that will have a nice full mid range and midbass, but not be overly excited in the treble, just a tad rolled off maybe, while still maintaining clarity and detail.  Can I get that with the $600 or $700 budget in the Wood line and which one would be the best.  MM or MC. 

Showing 1 response by tomic601

in my studied, experienced and sometimes sober opinion.....the Sonata REF2 is a fine cartridge...my Grado experience ( all positive btw ) only dates to 1978 so roberjerman has me aced out....

the Black is certainly more neutral and nuanced but in my system at the time did not have the midrange magic of the Grado...

for reference: Grado or Ortofon on Rega OEM 300 w Basis Silver cable on 1400 into Croft RS phono out to Audioquest sky into MX-110z .....blah....Apogee Stage, which are pretty revealing in the midrange....

have fun !!!!!