Which: VPI HW19 Jr. or III vs. REGA P3 and P25

I've seen a lot of positive threads on the VPI HW19 series of turntables and have been considering this or a Rega P3 or P25 turntable. Anyone have an opinion on which of these machines is the best?? Obviously these 4 turntables are at slightly different price points, so to be fair lets compare them as follows:

P25 vs. HW19 III
P3 vs. HW19 Jr.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Rega and VPI both make fine 'tables. I would recommend the VPI because of the upgrade path, which the Rega doesn't have. However, if you are not into 'tweaking', the Rega is an easier setup. The Rega is much more of a 'plug and play' type. Only you can decide whether you want to tweak and upograde, or you want to set it and forget it.
