Which vintage tube pre for my class D amp?

My home system is Leben to Devore, very tubey and beautiful.

But I have a Jeff Rowland class D amp sitting around and thought I would hook it up to some Devore 9s I have for a system at my design studio. Just for fun and in the spirit of experimentation I figured I'd pair the tiny ICEpower Rowland with a vintage tube pre, some massive old thing, and check out the whole digital amplification/tube preamp angle, which some people are gung ho about.

So, any recommendations for a big old beautiful tube pre? Would be great if it had balanced outs to go to the Rowland.

You know, you're right. I'm thinking an ARC, maybe an LS25 to take advantage of the balanced operation. And impedence should be fine; the Rowland is 40k. Thanks for the reality check guys.
While generally a big fan of tube preamps, I'm reminded that with some Class D amps there may be impedance mismatches with a tube pre. If so, a darker, "dead" sound may result. Check it out first.
Why not try a more current tube preamp to get the best from the amps? They are dead quiet with a black background and are fully balanced and you should run them that way to get the most from them. A vintage tube pre, no matter how romantic, will be full of noise and grunge.