Which Transport or CD Player?

Looking for a great CD playback solution and considering:

1. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T

2. Jay's Audio CDT2-MK3

Other options: Denon Anniversary Edition DCD-A110 or Marantz SA-KI RUBY CD Player.  These each have a DAC so could be a plus or minus...another DAC to play with but a compromised transport.  I currently have a Border Patrol SEi dac but not married to it.  

Anyone compare these?  Looking for recommendations.  Thanks


Showing 3 responses by jackd

I would suggest you take the time to read through the RS2 thread and then decide if you want to deal with the quality control and delivery issues they have been having for almost a year.  You will find no such complaints about the Jays units. 





For anyone to have done a side by side comparison, who was not a reviewer like Terry London, you would have to put down just short of $6000 and then hope you got a working ProJect unit to make the comparison.  In light of the multiple quality control issues reported with the RS2 why would anyone do that.  After waiting for over four months for an ordered unit and being finally told by them and multiple other dealers that they had no idea when ProJect would deliver I gave up.  Based on reports on the units that did show up at several dealers in the months that followed I'm glad I did cancel and move on.  The Jay's unit is much better built and sounds great.  The people who keep defending the ProJect unit bought early on when units were available initially and not after the demand went up and QC went down.