Which to upgrade first: Turntable or Phono Preamp

Hi, I just recently got back into vinyl about 8 months ago after switching to digital 30+ years ago.  My current setup is as follows:
 - Pro-ject Classic Turntable
 - Hana ML cartridge
 - Vincent PHO 701 phono preamp

I'm very happy with the Hana, but am thinking about upgrading either the turntable or the phono stage.   Although I'm not entirely unhappy with the current setup.   Just going through some upgrade fever I guess.   The question I have is which one do you think I should upgrade first:  Turntable or the Phone stage?

I'm thinking about the Clearaudio Concept turntable and the PS Audio Stellar phono stage, but I'm open to suggestion.   I'm hoping to spend under 3k on either.

Anyway, the real question is whether anyone thinks which upgrade will give me more bang for the buck: Turntable or Phono stage?

Thanks very much in advance.

Showing 6 responses by big_greg

Having to mount the cartridge on another turntable would stop some of you from upgrading the turntable? 
So, just a bug to change something, I suggest you try a different cartridge.
Of the three items the OP mentioned, he said he's happy with the cartridge.  Besides that, it's by far the best component he has in his analog chain.  Even if he found something better, it's not going to be anywhere near its full potential on the entry level turntable he owns.

The Jolida JD9 is a noisy entry level phono stage that is not very well built. It's a decent entry into the world of tubes, and reasonably priced.  I haven't heard the OP's phono stage, but owned a Vincent integrated and the build quality and sonics were much better than the Jolida products I have owned (JD9, JD9 MKII, Fusion preamp).  A sideways move at best, more than likely a downgrade.

I misread and thought you already have the Clearaudio Concept. That Pro-ject table should definitely be the first thing to go.
@elliottbnewcombjr This isn't meant as a putdown, but I'm having a hard time making sense of your dialogue about switching from a MM to MC cart since the OP has a nice MC cart already.

Getting a better turntable is the thing that is most likely to result in better sound quality in terms of more detail, better imaging, soundstaging, timing, etc. or to your point, more of the music getting through.  You're correct that changing the cart or the phono stage may result in a more noticeable difference in sonic character, but that's not always the same as an improvement. 

Different can be good.  Better is usually better.  
The turntable is the foundation of your analog chain.  The Concept is a nice entry level table.  I had one, but didn't keep it long.  It was way too sensitive to footfalls in my listening space.  While it may be better on more solid footing, that points to a basic weakness of the table, that it isn't well isolated.

Generally speaking, a well engineered turntable with a good tonearm and good isolation with a modest phono stage and cartridge will sound better than a higher end phono stage or cartridge and a modest turntable.

If the turntable and tonearm don't allow the cartridge to perform at its best, the signal that the cartridge sends to the phono stage isn't going to be improved by a better phono stage.

My advice is start with the table, then get a better phono stage.  You have a very nice cartridge.
@elliottbnewcombjr  I too like having options and being able to change things out and understand that better isn't always "better".  I love my Technics SL 1200 MK2 because I can easily swap out cartridges and change the sound.  It has a lot of the KAB mods and sounds very nice.  I recently picked up a pair of Klipsch Quartet speakers.  They are not even close to being as "good" as some of the other speakers I own, but they are the most "fun" speakers and do really shine with vocals and acoustic guitars in ways that the others don't.