Which Tannoy Monitor speaker to use?

Recently I "inherited" a Loesch & Weisner phono preamp and after replacing batteries and DeOxiting all the switches and controls (it hadn't been used for 12 years), I hooked it up in place of my VTL 2.5TL to make sure it was working properly. Oh my goodness... not only was it working properly but the sound quality was simply shocking. So detailed, so open, so very good I haven't been able to go back to the VTL ever since.

As I dug deeper into every bit of information I could find about this wonderful preamp, I was lead into a very different branch of the audio universe where low power tube amps and high efficiency speakers rule. It seems Dr. Loesch was well respected in this group and my curiosity has grown and grown. In particular, I learned about Tannoy Monitor Silver, Red and Gold speakers. After reading page and page and post after post from users who just seemed to not only never have anything bad to say, but one after another either coming back to them after straying or loving them for decades!

Mentally I'm now totally committed to buying a pair of Tannoy's, building my own cabinets (since I'm an accomplished wood worker), and seeing for myself just what it is all about. My room is a bit small (11W X 24L X 9 H) so 15's are problably not going to work. I hear great things about Gold 12" and some like Gold 10".

So I ask this group, and particularly "islandmandan" for guidance and recommendations. Of course I've already found hilberink.nl. and frankly it's a bit overwhelming.

Showing 2 responses by jond

Congrats that is a very special preamp from all I've read and Arthur Loesch a true genius. I can offer no guidance on Tannoy but you were right too see out @islandmandan he is a Tannoy expert. You might want to try messaging him through the Agon member lookup feature. Good luck and have fun!