Closing this loop in case someone in the future is interested in OB subs. I exchanged with several folks, some very knowledgeable in OB.
Danny Richie used sealed boxes in the back of the rooms at some audio shows to prevent large seat-to-seat variations for the audience. He doesn't use these himself. He recommends his OB, period. And if one wants to complement up to 30Hz with sealed he's good and in fact has recommended doing so in some cases. Danny does recommend 4 feet from the front wall, which is too much for my case (maybe I could get to 3 feet...)
I learned that when using OB subs it's very important to take your room dimensions into consideration, especially your front-to-back distance between walls (since dipoles radiate little to the side walls and ceiling/floor). To properly get to 20Hz you need that dimension to be 12 meters. My largest room dimension is 10 meters, close enough, but alas, my speakers are firing along the 5 meter axis (width) and for practical reasons I can't turn them around.
So I'll drop the idea of adding OB subs and add another couple sealed servo subs. And a MiniDSP 2x4 to apply multi-sub optimizer to allow delaying any of them as needed and other DSP for individual subs. Then the overall DSP will treat the DBA/MiniDSP as a "unit".
As to what drove Geddes to set up distributed bass arrays, I'll pass and let people do their reading. Geddes was proposing his approach well before 2014 and his papers and videos talk about minimizing seat-to-seat variations. Surely more subs provide more, pressurize the room more, etc, but that was his main driver. He also doesn't (or didn't at the time of the videos) believe time-alignment between subs and mains mattered, yet others do.
Toole gets into it too in several places. His chapter 13 in Sound Reproduction gets particularly into distributed bass arrays with time delays among subs for optimal results. This does require measurement equipment, a learning curve, and spending significant time to achieve the results. In my view Audio Kinesis are a great solution that simplifies the approach yet retains most gains for those who aren't interested in going that far in adjusting time and other variables. A great solution indeed!
Not interested in getting into a debate about this, though. There are plenty of materials online and Earl participates in some fora for those really interested. I realize there will be one/multiple replies to this, but really not interested to debate and won't engage.
Cheers and happy listening