Which Stands for Magnepan LRS (and other models): Mye, Magnariser, Sound Anchor, etc

Just received my LRS, and I am smiling so far.  Having read many comments and forum discussions, I am working at getting the position and room right.  I am getting close, but expect a few more days of tweaking before I am there.

The theme of stands is constant in the forums for the LRS as well as the other Maggies.  I figure once the 60 day trial period runs out (probably sooner as I can’t imagine returning them), I will order stands as the next step.

My question is which stands?  First, price is not a concern, as all the stands I have seen are within a hundred bucks or so of each other.  The common candidates are:

Mye- probably the most mentioned.  Triangular base, strut to the top. Very different than others.
Magnariser- 3 models to choose from, each reporting different sonic qualities. All appear to rise the speakers up off of the floor, none have the top strut.
Sound Anchors- again, a bottom only stand.  I don’t see LRS specifically mentioned on their website, but I assume one is in the works, or another model fits.  I have not contacted them to confirm

So, does anyone have direct experience comparing the various stands with the LRS? (I suspect similar results with the MMG, .7 and 1.7, so comments on experiences with these their families are appreciated) Or does anyone have any technical/physics/engineering insights on the whole subject? 

and finally, with stands, does the room position set up change? Will I have to go through another round of finding the sweet spot? 


Showing 1 response by simonmoon

I DIY’d my own, based on this design:


Quite simple, about $60, and work better than the much more expensive commercially available products.

And yes, they do improve the sound,