Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?

I'm doing research to find a new amp to replace my Parasound HCA 3500. I'd like the tubey midrange but the virtues of SS in the bass. Biamping is not an option as my rack is quite full. I need at least 200 wpc and want to spend less than 2k used. I'm driving VMPS Supertower/R SE's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by sogood51

I would go with a tube pre and see if that does it for you. you can get a pretty good preamp for less than $2,000. What do you have for a preamp right now? If you use a tube amp you will need one thats happy with the 4 ohm load of your supertowers and can control the large bass drivers. The supertowers thrive on power.

There are a couple of Llano tube hybrids for sale on audiogon at this time in your price range, these will have no problem with your speakers. I don't think you can find a pass X-250 in your price range but I do agree as to it being a good choice. Plinius would also be a good choice but again hard to find at your price. Some people (not me) think Classe amps sound like a tube amp, maybe that would do it for you. I have a Krell Ksa-250 on my Supertowers with a Bent Audio passive for preamp, not tube like but very good midrange and soundstage with the passive in the mix.
