Which speakers, if any, combine the strengths of Harbeth and ProAc ?

Any ideas ?

Showing 1 response by jwcinsd

I drove my Harbeth SHL5+ 40th Anniversary very easily and quite high volumes remained beautiful with an 87 watt VAC integrated. Lovely. I recently bought a DarTZeel CTH-8550 and the additional power (200 watts stated but Stereophile measured much higher) of course controls the speakers a bit better but with other trade-offs. The SHL5+ only drops to 6 ohms and is up to 10 ohms so they are very easy to drive. I’m moving to a bigger home so I’m seriously looking at 40.2/3. The SHL5+ 40th are especially nice with the bi-wire WBT post. I emailed Harbeth and for the SHL5 and 40.2 there are no difference between the 40th Anniversary and the XD it’s just that the 40th Anniversary was in 2019 so they needed to re-name them for 2020 and beyond. The lower speakers were upgraded with the new crossover. The SHL5 actually lost the bi-wire capability and the new SHL5+ XD has only 2 speaker posts. I’m a fan. I previously had Sonus Faber.