Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo

Showing 1 response by markmendenhall

The original Talons failed to impress but eventually Mike got it right and the latest versions are excellent.  Gave a pair of Fritz monitors away after a month of suffering a bright upper end and total non-linearity.  (Owner was reluctant to take them back and credit me.) Owned a pair of ProAc Supertowers and did my best keeping their metal tweeters tamed by using all tube gear, but those metal tweeters could be harsh!  
Regarding the above references to the U District dealers in Seattle, one notable omission: The Audio Connection. John has been an excellent resource and dealer with an unvarnished, though sometimes biased opinion, with a fabulous ear.  He specializes in offering excellent AND affordable systems.  
I owned three of the Speakerlab kits before going mainstream and the best of them all was the Speakerlab 30 which was designed by Milo Nesterovic.  That was a great speaker.