Which songs/albums take you back to college?

Some of my most vivid memories are from my college years and certain albums/songs really transport me back in time. Just curious what those may be for you.

1. Pearl Jam - Ten. Nothing defines my college experience more than this, nothing. Every song has a special meaning.

2. Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger. Lots of drinking happened to this album, memories a little fuzzy.

3. Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy. New romance.

4. Tool - Undertow. I'm really sick of college (esp electromagnetics) at this point and this album lets me rage.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

1. Led Zepplin 1--Dazed and Confused was the song we played most often that first year in the dorm.

2. Cream--Wheels of Fire; I was psyching up for their concert at Olympia Stadium in Detroit that Fall.

3. MC5--Kick out the Jams; they were local and big at U of Michigan in the Fall of '68.

4. Joni Mitchell's first album, Song to a Seagull. I listened to this a lot, as I was learning most of the songs to teach a friend of mine. Helped that I knew she used open G tuning on her guitar, otherwise my friend and I would have massive arthritis in our hands today.