which solder do you recommend?

I am about to embark on a journey of building a pair of Audio Note kit 2 speakers and will need to solder some Audio Note Lexus copper stranded wire from the crossover to the drivers.

I do not care about price.

What is the best sounding solder in this situation?

Any soldering tips would be appreciated as I am a rookie.

I plan on buying a heat sink and Weller soldering iron.

thanks everyone...


Showing 5 responses by philjolet


It is good to hear from you. Maybe I am just getting old but I do not remember seeing you post much these days.

The reasons you mention using the Cardas solder seem very good to me but alas, Nick Gowan From True Sounds (an Audio Note dealer) told me I should use Audio Note solder. I did not even know they sold one. I was just asking him if he had any recommendations for me before I started my speakers.
So I will use their solder.

I plan on placing my speakers in the corner as they were built for, and reporting back on Agon. A big difference from Maggies which I see you still enjoy.


thank you for the advice on the Hako 936. I will look into it.

all the best,


So the wire must be cleaned before soldering. Is that what the flux is for? Do people still use flux? I do not remember seeing it mentioned.

The way you describe it solder becomes less important. I am sure that could be a volotil subject...

I am a total newbie to this...

Interesting story about the wire being wrapped around square posts.

Thank you all very much for your thoughtful information.

I am soldering copper Litz wire (Audio Note Lexus) to the steel posts on the speaker and the crossover board.

Any tips for this?

Should I tin the ends of the Litz wire first?

all the best


Damn you are good. Thank you very much for a really thoughtful thread. I think I will buy the Wonder solder in .031.

Thank you Krwman007

After everyone's response which I am sure are valid in their own way I have decided to default to Sean's recommendation of the Wonder solder. I know Sean to be really thorough (evidence above) and an all around good choice (if I can find the darn stuff).

That said does anyone know where I can find some in the .031 guage? The smaller quantity the better.

I have done the usual google searches but no luck. Part of my problem is that I do not understand all the lingo etc....

