Which power amp Bryston 3Bst, 4Bst or Musical Fidelity A3cr?

I have been upgrading my system lately. I use many sources CD, DAT, synthesizers and phono. They all have different levels. While I don't play very loudly some sources are too soft and need a significant boost. I am now using a Musical Fidelity A3cr preamp (which I love), TMC Yellow interconnects to the amp (a B&K Reference 4420 - 225WPC). My main CD source for now is an ARCAM Alpha 7se connected with TMC whites to the preamp. My speakers are Magnepan 1.5QRs. I think at this point the weak link is my B&K (a good amp, but now a little outclassed) and would like to upgrade. Tubes are not an option since I leave my system on all day and I don't want the hassle. I'm torn between the Musical Fidelity A3cr power amp - my only real reservation is whether this will have sufficient power. It is rated at 120WPC to 8 ohms (nominally only half my B&K which does not feel overpowered - but I know rating can be deceiving) The other option that seems attractive is a used Bryston - probably a 4B-ST (although a 3b-ST might be sufficient). Does anyone have any thoughts on how these compare or on the power issue with the Musical Fidelity ? Any other ideas welcome.


Showing 1 response by rgd

It's my opinion that Maggies do love current so the more power you can throw at them the better. My 4B-ST does a very nice job with my 1.5's - much better job than my 10 year old 3B did. While I have not heard the MF amp I would think that there would be some synergy using it with your MF preamp but I believe it could run out of steam against your current B&K amp (which I think is a really nice amp...) There are many good choices out there - Aragon, Classe, Marsh, Odyssey but in the end auditioning is the safest path to choose to ensure you get the synergy you are looking for...