Which personal confuser for ultra high end audio, MAC, PC, notebook, tablet or desktop?

Hello all!

Existing circumstances dictate the OS must be either Windows, or MAC, only.

My daily “lots of use” desktop pc is an 32 bit XP OS Dell that was used by the Spanish Inquisition.

I’ve made minor upgrades to RAM and HDD only.

I need a new personal confuser. I’m gonna get one quite soon. I need to know going forward which platform and configuration will serve a digital sourced front end best in 2017.

That is, of course, if there is still any significant disparity between MAC and PC OS with regard to present software, or hardware limitations or other concerns.

My barely used 4 year old windows 7 Dell 64bit box never has run Office 2010 right but does enable PCM file playback via Lynx AES Exp SC and JRiver & Foobar 2K and iTunes infrequently.

I’ve only had exp with Windows machines. However, I own Apple iPad Air II and iPhone 6 S. but I’m a pretty quick study so adapting to a new OS ought not be a big deal.

I do not have a working laptop and one would be a real aid for day to day situations as well as ripping and playing files, streaming audio playing videos, and so forth.

This latest ‘new’ machine will be a daily use computer for office oriented affairs as well. Email. Correspondence. Archiving documents. Data collection. Contacts.

I’m leaning towards a MAC, but not sure which way. IMac or Ibook? Both appear as semi portable and the Imac can sport a 4 or 5K display. The display isn’t a big deal for me bit the RAM and CPU needed to support the far greater resolutions of a 4 – 5K display would be nice IMO. Computer Horse power is always a plus.

The only issue I see with the iMac, is the thing itself. It’s a big display and looks like a problem waiting to happen when wiring it up or into the LAN and audio system.

I have a Synology Disc Station NAS. The plan is to acquire a versatile DAC for DSD and Tidal playback.

Am willing to add whatever else thereafter to achieve the intended goal mentioned above. Apps, additional hardware, etc.

Your experiences and Thoughts would be most welcome.


Showing 8 responses by blindjim

Jond > that is the best autocorrect ever

Blindjim > actually, no correction was needed, it was the intended phrase. I prefer it over the A B Normally used ‘personal computer’ innuendo.

Bigshutterbug > purchase a Sonore Micro rendu , and let it do all the music work for you…. SQ will then increase.

Blindjim > Bigshutterbug, wow. Really? Thanks.

Why those two in particular? No others?

I’m just getting into these latest greatest aspects of digital as it has progressed to date. I’m unclear on a couple things, some on software, and now your input on this new approach with different hardware.

These two gizmos you mention, how are they accessed? IOS? Computer? From Disc Station apps? Or…?

I’ll presume they are on the LAN via Ethernet and are then intentionally enabled with permissions to see the data storage within the Synology domains options.

Subsequent to that configuration an app of sorts activated by a controller (iphone, ipad, pc, or dedicated remote control) facilitates the transmission of the content to the rendering device or main audio system DAC. Albeit, if necessary, some rendering may occur in either the software or ‘server’ domain, if necessary such as ‘on the fly’ up or down sampling or format conversions, correct? or would any alterations to the files be done ONLY in the hardware domain by the items you offered as solutions instead?

Will the needed software options be limited in any way? OS? IOW, do these devices use only specific app (s) for file playback operations?, eg., ROON, JRiver? A proprietary mobile app?

I must ask because, in my world, a concern always exists which hands me either some grief or a lot of grief, and that is software which does not play well with peripheral adaptive software.

I must use high functioning accessibility (screen reading) apps to get anything done via PCs. MACs have a proprietary Voice Over facility which allows navigation and operation of its apps and hardware, provided when necessary, the third party apps were written with Voice Over functionality in mind. It is suprising to see how many main stream apps simply ignore the VO component, rendering them useless arbitrary . inconveniences
regardless the OS, it happens all the time.

Regularly, I’ve gotta install what ever, and run it to really know if it will work. If not, go a different route and buy or try something else. And so on, etc.

Lastly, OK. I’ll reiterate the obvious, to me anyway, issue. Exactly how are these gizmos environments any better than the one in a computer?

The two items I’ve read about so far which seem to address the possibly degrading issues prevalent in a computer, were
Fidelizer Nimitra Computer Audio Server
Aurender W20

The latter requires a lottery ticket and a lot of luck, the former seems as though it has its own learning curve, especially if one trys to employ the PC adjusting or streamlining’ software without the total packaged hardware.


it seems we have answered the first question, which confuser doe not matter any longer.

Jond > I stream wirelessly from a Synology NAS drive as well as streaming Tidal outputting to an Audio Note Dac via the coax output on the Aries.

Blindjim > Cool. I’m guessing the upgrade was for performance and or operational ese..

I am using DS Audio IOS app to send bit stream info from the Syn into a pc via Foobar or ?? out thru the lynx AES 16X and into a Bel canto DAC 3.0 AES input to amps etc.

Or via File Browser IOS app the same way or into an Apple TV > Integra 99 controller > amps etc. or merely onto my IOS device and head phones.

I suspect what tech has come along says using the Ethernet device alone, as the ‘middle man’ is the cleaner way to elicit better SQ.

Is the Aries simply a better pathway or more featured, or both?

Is the Aries app merely the mobile device app or one installed onto the Disc station itself?

No drop outs or connectivity issues on WyFy even with the HD file sizes? Must be a healthy buffer in there somewhere.
Nice. Thanks.

Rbstehno > I did the Mac route for years using USB. … auditioned many streamers and purchased the Auralic Aries using lightning ds thru the i2s interface which is much better than using usb

Blindjim > tremendous thanks for the insights.
Its becoming more clear, unless people have simply lost their minds, this ‘new’ approach to bypass USB and as well remove file manipulations from the PC environment has become the latest greatest fashion for adding another level or so of performance to digital playback.

I’ve read input from Wavelengths G Rankin on the issues surrounding USB. Some work arounds there, and feel from what little I know that using Ethernet and eliminating the Devil’s disciplines which abide in a standard pc, could be a cleaner path.

I need a block diagram and some tech data on the why its better all in all, prior to dropping what I see as a fair investment and additional learning curve for going such a route.

When last I peeked in, the new ‘bridges’ converting USB to SPDIF interfaces and their possible reclocking, or not reclocking, aided the resultant audio. At times.

However, two ICs were then in the mix instead of just one, and its not hard to see how one could suspect the changes were merely different perspectives, and not necessarily sonic quality gains as the sole influence of the bridge itself.

My current ‘bridge’ is the Lynx AES 16 xpress sound card and the AES cable.

Likely this is one of those, ‘ya had to be there’ deals. Meaning, get one and see.

Which brings me to this pertinent Q….
Is someone now gonna chime in and say “the Ethernet cable itself matters too?”

Lovely. I’m sure someone will. Crap.

Now I need a new third party device, new software, and oh yeah, a new whiz bang high end Ethernet wire. Super. Just super.

Pardon me, I gotta go Google now.

Marktomaras > I hope this is useful! Feel free to contact me if you'd like more info. Good luck!

Blindjim > that was a super assist. I could not have asked for more. thanks tons.

Jond > The Aries has a dual band modem and can run on the newer much less crowded 5 ghz band

Blindjim > super. THX! This 5GHz protocol I’ll assume is one which works in defference to the WAP setup in the ISP provided on site modem?

I’ll also presume the settings for the Aries are within the mobile device lightening app.

Dlcockrum > The Aurender requires Ethernet connection to my router/modem (not wireless. …. the USB cable makes the most difference by a wide margin. …. Ethernet cable makes a significant difference too.

Blindjim > and there it is! Lol I did not doubt it for a minute. Mark the calendar if its not already, Ethernet wires now officially matter. lol

It seems now, the decision is which protocol to use, and investigate ROON a lot more.

If the USB gremlins can be eliminated entirely, and as well a solid clock or reclocking comes as standard or as bonus, then aiding or adding in the clocking aspect should be the proper selection for a bridge or server, or renderer thingy..

Although, USB and DSD presently appear to be married especially for DSD2 (128) or DSD4 (256) in a few of the newer DACs I’ve read about. I should think this is not a mandated interface situation for all DACs, just some, hopefully.

Without further review, the Aurender W20 would be my first choice, apart from its entry fee. A lesser ver could however be a very real option.

I love the notion of an upgradeability aspect, and a device which clocks the data stream, and supports all the usable audio formats.

This might just coe down to which app works best for me… and not necessarily which server or bridge. I suppose I’ll begin there and download some apps.

Dlcockrum > attempt to respond helpfully

Blindjim > Certainly not. I purposefully interjected the ubiquitous lol twice to avoid any negative connotation or untoward inference being transmitted on a personal basis.. Sorry, Dave I missed.

If indeed I take issue with someone, or some aspect on a topic, I’ll usually have no problems being quite transparent about it and not hide behind a veil of humor. I’m blunt to a fault far more than I should be so I pay attention so injuries are minimized.

Invariably on these pages someone will interject the occasion or even prerequisite need for buying pricier wires to resolve or aid some portion of the audio riddle.

The ‘sarcastic’ application was aimed squarely at the idea data lines now need to be upgraded as their performance levels have suddenly been elevated and do make a difference to the audio presentation.

Generally speaking, I can’t help but be amused by the aspect a wire everyone uses and has been using for years, decades in fact, suddenly has become a link worth considering for its attributes to sound quality and we should now cough up some less sensible money to overcome this now dreary ongoing standard.

As much hilarity and decided frustration as I gain on a personal note on the topic of wires or cables, (if preferred) making a difference, I’ve found out there is truth within this high end audio inside joke.

I’m very guilty of shelling out 4 digit money for wires. Repeatedly. Once I saw wires actually made a difference by personal trial and errors. I’ve written more than a little on these pages by reviews of past cables and makers what I felt their fingerprints on the audio production amounted to.

Wire makers as I call them, play the shell game with basic elements of electricity to evolve their inter-connects, spkr wires, etc. merely juggling capacitance often has the most obvious influence. Termination, seems the second most noticeable up or down tick, dialectric and metallurgic materials too alter noticeably the sonic demonstration.

IMHO - Making mention of the particular upscale CAT cabling used is indeed a plus.

Dlcockrum > There is so much snarkiness and ridicule on this forum by the eternally cognitively cynical

Blindjim > U R welcome.
It took a while for me to overlook ‘drive by posting’, and or barbs thrown on the web that contain no real consideration of others.

Thread posts, blogs, emails, texts, etc., seldom intimate everything intentioned unless it is plainly negative. I will ask for clarity or I will simply refuse to acknowledge them as they are not deserving of a thoughtful reply. Usually.

We only have the capacity for how we will receive what others and for that matter, life hands us. Nothing more. React, respond, or ignore it. Nothing here is life or death.

Dlcockrum > posters that exceed reasonable limits of tolerance regarding misinformation, dishonesty, or stupidity

Blindjim > well…. Ignorance and dishonesty can be fixed. But you just can’t fix stupid. So, why try?

> ….back to audio obsessions...

Blindjim > … and the voice of reason beckons us.

Jond > the Lightning DS setup process takes you through that and is available for both IOS and Android

Blindjim > Check. Kind of figured that one out too. Cool. THX!!

Almarg > good to see you back here lately. Your posts are always witty and enjoyable.

Blindjim > Thanks! tell all your friends.;-((

Yeah. Been pretty ill. About out of the woods now hopefully. Life as well delivered some quite deleterious and definitely unexpected adverse things which demanded my immediate and undivided attention on several fronts.

Al on the flip side, if the approach here is for learning and we remain little fish in a big pond, mostly, all will be well and all of our systems will benefit from this effort and from the experiences of others as they may pertain to something of use to ourselves, and our various audio concerns.

I feel I’m on the right wavelength with your inferences. Thanks for the thread links. They’re a big help. I’ll read ‘em asap.

One last note on shielding per se, having been a former gear head racer kind of guy, there are split hoses in varying colors, for the more fashion minded, which can slip onto and over different wires like OEM power cords for CATV boxes, CAT cables, USB, etc. in autoland, their application is for the electrical system where heat could damage wires insulation or where one wishes to add them like on spark plug wires.

The wire slip covers are cheap. easy to trim. Easy enough to apply. And if one wants, another ‘coat’ of sorts can usually be affixed to the wire being inserted into one of these ‘conduit’s.

I’ve been affixing these plastic fantastics onto all the aforementioned as often as possible. Even onto ICs which obviously have no shielding in place.

Although I’ve not spent time or employed any scientific theorem I’m not picking up any local TV or radio stations. Nothing whines in my listening room but me being desirous of all the things made up of too much ‘unobtainium’ or ‘‘can’taffordium’, I’d love to own. Or think I would love to own.

Or the stuff I did own and did not like.

Gee. I feel all warm and fuzzy now. A lil’ AC DC ought to fix that!

certainly there is the Schiit Audio Yggdrasil DAC if one only needs PCM support.

is there a DAC that supports all of the current popular audio formats without conversion that could be an option here that excells in SQ too?

ejr1953 > If your USB port isn't the best

blindjim > sorry for the late reply. many thanks for the input.
Like yourself, I’m a Personal confuser only to this point user. I use DB Power amp to rip discs with. Another app for high def disc rips.

Every box gets a shot of added RAM right after it lands here.

My Win 7 box oddly is not my ‘go to’ PC. I use and strongly rely on my XP machine as my daily driver. The issue is XP.. is dead. Now even its apps are being dropped from support across the digital landscape from many if not all third party app makers. Crap.

A new machine is needed and this time at least, I will be getting an Apple something or other. Ibook or imac. Not sure which way to go there.

Online resources say the Retna’ versions have a lot of noise from its display refresh. rates Super.

Everybody has something bad I guess. Like politics we pick from the lesser of the evils.

If very good gear is used, very good results will occur.

I ran a few DACs via USB using very cheap USB wires. Enjoyed the sound immensely. Never did I notice any noisey junk, jitter or other non musical garbage during listening sessions.

Now it is said USB has issues! Beware! USB protocol itself induces or exasserbates jitter!! OMG. Well, get the data to the dAC by another interface! Or do the best you can to diminish the USB gremlins.

There is a thingy called a Jitterbug I think which goes for $49 and it is supposed to help de-jitterize somewhat or entirely such noise off the upstream (?) USB connection just plug it into a port! Violin!

What I find curious here is I’ve been using either USB directly, (briefly) and a Lynx AES 16 xpress sound card to feed my DAC. Using USB was so brief I can’t properly say if or how much noise was actually there from PC to DAC just off my memory.

Additionally and prior to the Lynx connection via AES, I got an early Hiface USB stick and used that for a good while longer. It sounded fine enough as I recall..

The Lynx SC was indeed the better path of these 3 choices.

So if not in practice, in philosophy I tend to believe getting info or data into a DAC be means other than USB is a good thing.

Several reports from those definitely in the know, Rankin, PS Audio’ Ted Smith, and more, say USB is littered with issues… yet the ‘Ethernet conduit’ has greater advantages.

USB does and will work IF the ancillary deleterious concerns of USB are addressed. Some new devices are doing exactly this, attending to the USB issues to clean it up.

My EXP has shown me so far, the better a signal I can get into the DAC, the better the audio will be. So which ever ‘bridging device’ one chooses to use, the better off you will wind up. BNC is better, as is AES, even TOS optical eliminates jitter from USB grounding concerns though many recent streaming and DACs are formally attending to this in their designs and constructs. .

Rilbr > Each brand of Music Server or Streamer requires their own OS and supporting accessories.

Blindjim > Wow. Really?
I see where some ‘streamer renderers’ do have an IOS app associated with them at times. Also I see that some of the ‘middle man’ R/S thingys can be operated via some media players like J River, Roon, and others.

My priorities would be that whatever is inline between the NAS and the whatever DAC can be operated via the easiest remote pathway…. Probably an iPad, or iPhone, tablet or laptop. What ever seems the softer easier way for file play back while improving SQ in the doing, of course, works for me.

Two DACs is interesting yet Two DACs is a fair amount of dough. Each one alone would have to be exceptionally good at each of their jobs. So much so owning a one size fits all remedy would be nonsense.

Given another set of IC and another Power Cord is as well an added outlay, running 2 converters is kind of pricey, IMHO.

A friend of mine says Mojo Mystique PCM DAC is a superior PCM only DAC and it runs over $4K. more than $6K if you want it to run as XLR instead of SE analog out.

My present line of thinking says to update/upgrade my Bel Canto DAC 3.0 first. Its PCM only. Add in amp (S) & speakers, wires, etc., then when the system is more competent, try out new sources or ‘DAC’ and some of those Render/Server thingys.

I’ve been viewing a lot of info on various audio setups online via youtube. PS Audio’s Ted Smith has some videos where he discusses DACs, DSD, PCM and so forth. Very interesting. It/they sure put the PSA perfect wave DAC in a whole new light for me.