Which ones should I choose? Tannoy Kensington Gr or B&W 804 D4

Dear Bro,

I'm in a dilemma about which speakers I should take, Tannoy Kensington Gr or B&W 804 D4? I dont have chance to audition those brands at the same dealer so plz give some advices. I'm going to pair speakers with MC 8900. My room is about 19 sqm (3.5m x 5.5m).

One more thing, are Turnberry Gr Speakers much difference from Kensington Gr.

Thank you very much



Showing 2 responses by mwinkc

Vanson1 +1

I'm getting close to 70 and I switched to B&O about 2 months ago. I can hear the higher frequencies that I've been missing for a few years. I wouldn't be surprised if better ears found my system to be a bit harsh, but it's just right for me now.