Which of these would you buy?

Here are my prefrences/gear. I have a small room and like Alt. rock but listen to a bit of everything. I want speakers that are forward, dynamic, clear, powerful, and have bass. Ill be driving the speakers with a Jolida 302B tube amp. I have IXOS Super Gamma 7 bi-wire and Audience Conductor interconnects.

Here are my choices:
Vandersteen 3, Audio Physic Spark I, PSB Gold-I, Spendor S6, JM Labs Chorus 726 S

Any speakers I should eliminate? Any I should add? What would you get?

Thanks :D
The Energy Veritas are not that difficult to drive. I think 50W tube power should be enough; especially for a small room and near field listening. But there are more than just wattage when matching speaker with amp. I cannot tell you how they will sound together since I have not heard Jolida driving Veritas.

The Veritas are very lively speakers. They are a bit too aggressive to my taste but I think you might like them. I suggest you give them a listen and decide.
Could the energy speakers be powered and sound well with my Jolida 302B Tube amp? Its 50 WPC
6ft is too close for the Vandy 3. I would eliminate that.

If you like forward, dynamic, and clear sound, you might want to add the Energy Veritas line to your short list.
12' X 11' Rectangle. Each speaker will be 6ft from me and about 7ft apart. They will each have at least a foot of wall clearance and 2ft from the side wall.
I just talked to my friend whos an Audiophile. He recommended me KEF Q11's or ENERGY CONNOISSEUR C-9's. I think ill get one of those, can anyone compare the 2?
The Vandersteen 3A sigs should prove to be superb performer
If you are in a very small room.
You would always have the option
of inserting a Vandy Hi Pass box before your amp adjusting
to what works best in your room in small increments adjusting the bass to your preference
and hi passing the amp would offer far better performance
not to mention making it easier on the tubes.
Cheers Johnnyr
I would agree with Dlwask
The Vandersteen 3A sigs should prove to be superb performer
If you are in a very small room.
You would always have the option
of simply inserting a Vandy Hi Pass box before your amp adjusting
to what works best in your room in small increments adjusting the bass to your preference
and hi passing the amp would offer far better performance
not to mention making it easier on the tubes.
Cheers Johnnyr
I certainly would not call the Vandy 3s forward, especially with tubes driving them...but they would most likely be the most musical in my opinion.
Totem Staff, Triangle Antal, PSB Gold, JM Labs Chorus 726S.

Which would be good for my 50 WPC Tube amp?

I want the one that sounds the most forward, dynamic, and powerful.
Vandys might be a bit soft sounding although I haven't heard the 3s in a few years. PSB Gold might be a good choice as I've heard them rock out hard in a dealer's showroom. Spendor's might also be a bit soft for you, JM Labs is known for a leaner sound, as is the Audio Physic, at least to my ears. You've got some very different sounding speakers on the list and how any of them mate with your amp is most important up front.
D. ,
My vote would be for the S-6, but is extremely biased because I have't heard any of the others.
I would try to get FL-6. They went out of production in 2000.
That model which I have now is front ported vs. rearported as in the newest design.
They are a breeze to set-up and of course can be close to the rear wall.
If you like intimacy ,directness,and sitting about row 5,
then you'll like these.