Which new OPPO DVD player is the one to get?

Which OPPO model is the best 980,981, or HM-31?

02-26-08: Rxlarry99
I asked this question in another blog, but thought it would be good to ask in this one too: Does anyone know which video upscaling chip the Oppo 983 will have? Faroudja, Silicon Optix Reon, Realta, Gennum?

It uses ABT 102 deinterlacing chip and ABT 1010 scaling engine.
I asked this question in another blog, but thought it would be good to ask in this one too: Does anyone know which video upscaling chip the Oppo 983 will have? Faroudja, Silicon Optix Reon, Realta, Gennum?
Spoke with Customer Service atOppo and was told that the 980 is actually a newer model than the 981, regardless of the numbering. The 981 has, of course, the Faroudja processing which Oppo says is better for big screens 46" and up.

The 980 has more options for audio and can be had new for $169 or refurbished (factory option, look brand new) for the paltry sum of $135 if ordered by phone.

I ordered a 980 for use in my 2nd system, but I sure intend to A/B it with my Denon 2900, which is due for replacement soon.
02-25-08: Rxlarry99
Is the 983 expected to have a more quality look/solid construction than the 980 and 981?

For a paltry sum of $350-$400,would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen...
Is the 983 expected to have a more quality look/solid construction than the 980 and 981?
983 is not a Blue-Ray player and, consequently, those CODECs are not relevant.

Johnnyb53...Makes you wonder why some outfits charge you several grand for their players.

As others have noted, the remote needs improvement. That's the worst thing I can say about my Oppo.
Kal - know you probably can't say much prior to Stereophile hitting the news stands, but can you tell us if it'll be BluRay compliant or will decode Dolby True HD and DTS-HD and pass as bitstream?
I bought my Oppo DV-980H primarily for audio use, based on Oppo's own summaries of their product offerings. This little $169 wonder thoroughly trumps the Philips 963SA it replaces, plus it plays DVD-A, which the Philips could not. It is also a stalwart DVD upconverter via HDMI, about as good as my Toshiba HD-D2, which is very good at that.

Just last night I was listening to some surround DVD-As on the Oppo and enjoying every minute. It also does SACD and HDCD CDs beyond my expectations--nice detail, nice perspective, surprisingly organic sounding. I've been on a steady diet of vinyl for 11 mos. and am not easily pleased by digital any more. I'm very pleased with the Oppo.
The 983 will not replace the 980/981. Probably see it by late March. Lots more talk over at AVSForum.

My report will appear in the May Stereophile.

Anyone know approximately when OPPO will release their next DVD player to replace the 980 and 981?
I purchased a 980 a week ago to use as a transport into a Bel Canto DAC2. So far so good. I haven't used the audio outs from the unit nor have I used dvd.
The 980 also has a USB connection but I haven't used that either and don't know it's purpose. This weekend I'll hook up the audio out and try a few cds and some of the few SACDs I own.
Kal- Do you have any other details, or a site with them? I have the 980 because I only have component input for my RP-HDTV but am wondering about an upgrade and its benefits for audio and video.

RXLarry99- I love my 980 player and use it for SACS, DVD-A and DVD. You can use it as a transport if you choose a better DAC. It is the player to get while the format wars ensue.
And the release of the new DV-983H is imminent. This includes ABT video processing but it is pricier.

Ooooops! My bad. Sorry about that - that's what I get for going with (my obviously failing) memory. In any event, these are very good players for very little coin. However, it appears I also lied about the Faroudja processing, only the 981 uses this.

In addition, it looks like the 980H supports Dolby Digital EX, whatever that is [smile], and the 981 does not...

Here is a comparison chart provided by Oppo:

Based upon what I see, the 980 might be a bit better for audio, the 981 for video.

Correcting RW.The 980 does have HDMI and also Component.981 NO Component.Their site: http://www.oppodigital.com/?partner=yahoo&OVRAW=oppo&OVKEY=oppo&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=6871769511&OVKWID=40390892011

The 980 is supposed to be bit better for sound so they say.Very close I've read.JD
It depends upon your needs and equipment, the HM-31 is not a player, it is a switch.

The 980 and 981 are similar except the 981 has HDMI connection for video instead of Component. They also have Analog outs for multi-channel audio playback. Both of them use the Faroudja DCDi chip for upscaling video. Both support all shiny disc formats except the new high-def BluRay and HD-DVD.

I have a 981 and really like it. The sound quality is almost as good as my Denon 3910 (which is darn good!) and the video quality may even be better than the Denon. I bought mine, re-furbished, directly from Oppo on FleaBay. I paid the princely sum of $195 delivered - $183 + $12 shipping. It came out of the box looking brand new, not even a fingerprint on the unit!

These units have to be the best bargain out there for a universal player. The only thing bad I can say is that they do not have all the transport controls replicated on the front panel, only Play/Pause, Stop, and Open. Everything else is accessed using the remote control.

I would recommend these to anyone wishing to get into multi-channel audio playback on a budget.
