Which mono power amp would you choose and why?

In the next month I'm looking to get some feedback on which of these 2 mono power amps to buy, the Musical Fidelity m8-700m mono block power amplifier, or the Cary SA-500.1 ES  mono block power amplifier. I'm looking to spend between 7k and 9k for the pair. They will be hooked up to my new Benchmark LA4 line amplifier.


Showing 5 responses by alucard19



Thanks for audio by van alstine  info, I'd rather keep an eye out for the Magtech amps. The Odyssey amps don't have the power I was looking for.

Just keep the suggestions coming. Time for sleep here in Illinois, just waiting for the snow and -25 degree weather to arrive in 2-4 hours.


I already have 3 tube amps, the last one a Decware Zen TORII MK5, I don't need another low power amp, I'm looking for a high powered Class A/B mono amp to replace my Anthem P2 which I'm moving to my home theater room setup.

Thanks bigkidz, but I'm only looking for SS amps right now.

As I stated above I already have an amp that puts out 325W @8ohms, and 500W @4ohms

I am currently looking for between 500W @8ohms minimum, and 1,000W @4 ohms, why would I want to get an amp with less power than I already have.

The AHB2 has less power than my current amp.


Thanks for the info on the Michi M8, mono amps, i will have to check with tmr to see what price they are asking for the pair, because new they are out of my budget.

Power wise they are more than what I was looking for but I would rather have more power and not need it than not enough.


That Hegel H30 is nice but out of my price range at $15,000.00 each.


@arcticdeth I have looked at the Sanders mono block amps previously but like the Hegel they are out of my current price range at $14,000.00 per pair.  My budget is only around 7K to 9K for the pair not each.

 Thanks for the suggestions and I'm always open to new brands that I haven't considered, but right now I'm limited with my funds, but if things change ( I win lottery or rich relative dies and leaves me money), then I can look at the higher end gear.