which McCormack amp for Paradigm Studio 60s?

I was wanting to try a McCormack amp with my Paradigm Studio 60 V.2 speakers and need the advice of some. I am going to buy used so the DNA 0.5, DNA 1, or DNA 125? Would you chose the same amp for Paradigm Studio 40 v.3. I am currently using a Denon 3802 as a processor and to power the other channels, but hope to upgrade that soon as well. I will be using a Hsu VTF-2 sub and like to listen loud.
I agree, I had a DNA 0.5 before I switched to tubes. It really is a wonderful amp. I personally have never heard the DNA 1.0 or the 125, but I can't image needing much more than a .5 anyway. Besides if you ever want more than a single DNA 0.5 will give you, buy a second one and send them to Steve McCormack and have them converted to monoblocks. Orginally that was my game plan, before becoming addicted to tubes.....
I've owned the McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe and used it and a Hsu VTF-2 with several pair of speakers, ProAcs, Thiels and Soliloquys. I can't imagine that the 0.5 wouldn't be more than adequate for the Paradigms and at current used prices the 0.5 is an incredible bargain. I don't think the extra money you'd spend on a DNA 1 or 125 would get you much unless you upgraded beyond the Paradigms.