Which Kharma?

Hi all
Hoping to get some input on which Kharma model to get
I have Tenors monos and Amati now, sound is good but I do think Tenors straggling a little specially at high volume,
my budget will be only 10K so it will have to be used pair.
I did audition 3,2F it is great speaker but just little short in bottom octave specially compare to Amati. I was thinking about 1,1 or 1,2 also seen some 1.0 advertise on Adiogon.
My set up consists of VPI HRX Aesthetix Sig phono, ARC Ref 2 mkII preamp.
Many thanks to All in advance!!
Hi Randy... I don't know if you remember me but it you are ever in the Des Moines area look me up. You're invited to listen to my Tenor 300's with the Kharma Midi Grands (sold the wonderful 3.2's) and of course the Meitner gear. Not too many of us here in this great state.

Another speaker to consider if you don't need concert volumes in a large room, is the Verity Parsifal Encores. They mate very well with the Tenors. I auditioned a lot of speakers before I ended up with the Verity. They go quite deep for a small speaker. I agree the Amati is not a good match with the Tenors. If I had the money, I would probably go with the Kharma 3.2's and a Kharma sub(maybe).I would not sell the Tenors without seeing what other speakers are out there. Feel free to contact me off line if you have other questions. I'm just a happy Tenor guy.
Keep the Amati speakers and audition some of the larger Atma-Sphere amplifiers.
Hi, Andrew:

Amati is a great speaker, one of the best out there. I think the right way to built a system is to match amps with speakers and not the other way around. If you like Amati, I would suggest keeping them and getting more powerful amps. Something like CAT JL2 would drive them with ease and I don't think it would be any less then Tenors, if not superior.
I like Kharma very much but you already have fantastic speakers.
Hi Andrew,

I just purchased a pair of the Tenor OTL. They will be in my home today.

The Tenors will be driving my Avalon Opus....I think I will also be interested in the responses to your question.
