Which is the best solid state poweramp under $9000

I currently own a Classe CA-400 and a CA-301 power amp but I'm getting the bug to upgrade. I'm willing to sell both of these amps to buy one better one whether it's a single stereo amp or a pair of mono blocks. I do need a amp with high power and good current as the amp will be driving my Magnepan's 3.6R's or my B&W N802's. Could anyone recommend a better solid state power amp than what I have at a retail price of not much more than $9000.00 ? I am thinking of the McIntosh MC-501 mono amps, but both my Classe's have a little more power. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Uriah
My First Choice - Try to find a Used pair of Lamm M1.1's, M1.2's or M2.1's or M2.2's and you will never look back! endless current!

The Rowland 501's would also make a nice match and they don't generate any heat.

Lastly tireguy used Parasound JC-1 monoblocks to power his 3.6 and loved that combo. these run class A to 25watts.
I would look at Steve McCormack's DNA-500. Incredible power, detail,imaging and musicality for $7K list. I'm driving 4 ohm speakers effortlessly with the DNA's 900w into 4 ohms.
Check out the new Belles 350A reference monoblocks.
Also the Belles 150A reference monoblocks are excellent as well.SoundStage double reviewer's choice award http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/belles_150a_reference.htm.
I am driving a pair of B & W Nautilus 800s with a McIntosh MC 402. It sounds wonderful. It's hard to imagine there's anything out there that could make B & W speakers sound significantly better. According to the blue meters, I am operating at about 50% of the power when things are getting too loud. I haven't heard the 501s, but I hear their sound is outstanding, too. I would imagine they either equal, or more likely, surpass what the MC402s do. However, the MC402s are several kilobucks cheaper.
your 9k isn't going the dramatically improve your system. those classe's are nothin' but fine(i'm a mac person too). a change will sound different of course, and the macs are beautiful,but shoot the dough on something else.