Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?

What do you think your system benefit the most - from interconnects, Speaker Cables, or Powercords? Or do you think they are eqaully important? Is $5000 powercord really necessary?

Showing 4 responses by sd2005gt

Newmanoc - I have never imagine dropping $5000 on a powercord but somebody did - I just don't see it. Unless someone get it direct from the factory for 1/5th the suggested retail price - otherwise it would not be available here on Audiogon for a fraction.
I am thinking if the main objective of any interconnect is to carry signal from "A" to "B" in natural and uncolored way then that same interconnect should work the same way on another high resolution system. If it is not then definitely it is the equipment that is the problems. Otherwise, the interconnects are nothing but a tone control to tweak the system to sound differently.