Which is better - Hi end CD transport or Music server into DAC?

Guys - I have the Music Vault diamond server which is great- My question in which is better a hi end Transport into my DAC or the Music vault sever?- strictly thinking sound quality- thks

Showing 1 response by ejr1953

As I learn more about digital audio, I'm appreciating that while "bits are bits", the timing of those bits when they arrive at the DAC are very important to the ultimate sound quality.  DACs do have clocks as part of their design, to "re-clock" those bits that arrive at their input stage, but "re-clocking" can only do so much to correct for timing errors.

I suspect, with your particular set of components the port on the Music Vault and your DAC just pair better together than the other options.  I'd recommend you look into a cable upgrade, as that will likely further improve the sound quality.