Which is better, a fussy speaker or a versatile one?

When rating speakers into the high and ultra-high-end (or ultra expensive?) what do you think makes a speaker better?

Take two speaker models, for about $400,000 a pair, and 800 lbs.  One requires an excellent room, super quiet amps while the other sounds great in a number of different acoustic environments and can be powered by modest amplification, and speaker cables don't seem to matter.

Which is truly the better speaker, and which would you rather live with?


Showing 1 response by bjesien

The versatile product typically gets boring because the performance is not quite up to the ability of the fussy (assuming the fussy can be better under x circumstance). 

This is where the audiophile tests both speakers, and may lose tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars drawing hypothesis and seesawing back and forth between the two, or many other similar products.

This happens until he gets "wise" and gets "off the merry-go-round" and sees the light in a product that is both versatile and has the same performance as the fussy. Beware, this is an illusion.

Sooner of later the audiophile realizes that something must have happened to his electricity or the transformers on the street during the evening are now the same as they are during the day. 

This is the tipping point and he is almost guaranteed to err to the fussy again until the cycle continues for a few more years, hundreds of thousands, dealers that need to medicated, and lost wives. The good news is that he will eventually find bliss somewhere some how.