Which integrated to pick...

Well after much convincing, I have saved my rig with one exception. My Melody SP3 amp must go. There are three contenders for replacements but don't know which will pair up the best. Any recommendation would be helpful.

Here are the amps that I have narrowed it down to.
1. Audio refinement complete - if I can find one.
2. YBA YA 201
3. Musical Fidelity A3

Which one of the bunch should I try to snag?


Showing 1 response by s7horton

I have owned the MF A3, and the Audio Refinment Complete, never the YBA 201. Though I have never heard the Eurpoas, I have talked with people that have paired them with the AR Complete and have said fantastic things. The MF is a nice integrated, but based on the feedback I got, I would use the complete. (my favorite integrated by the way... I have owned six of them).

Because of my love for the complete, I really wanted to buy the YBA 201 many times. I was talked out of it by people that owned it. Serious quality issues, YBA switched hands just before those came out, and I hear the value just isn't there with the 201 like it is with the complete.

Only my opinion, and with limited experience so take my advice with a grain of salt..