Which integrated amp do you suggest?

Hi Everyone,
Looking to purchase an integrated amp to match my setup.
My sources include vinyl, CD's and Tidal Hi-Fi (not worried about master quality).
I have a set of Elac Debut 2.0 B6 speakers.

Looking for an amp which has a built-in DAC and the ability to network, or at least connect via laptop (for tidal streaming).

My budget is around 500-600 USD

Looking for an integrated amp which would pair nicely with the Elac's.
Sorry, It must have sold. I see it is no longer offered. I would check out the Yamaha A-S501 and the 701. Often found discounted online.
The 801 has USB input however is above your stated budget. 
You sound like an ideal candidate for a used Bluesound Powernode 2. That would have a built-in DAC and streamer and a 60 WPC NAD integrated amp. I am seeing them in Canada selling for your price manufacturer refurbished https://www.ebay.ca/i/254134654263?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkrid=706-89093-2056-0&mkcid=2&dis... with a one-year warranty. You could also get MQA streaming from Tidal if ever you wanted it.
One more for Yamaha with those limitations (USB etc.) mesch mentioned above.