Which Int. Amp with passive ATC SCM40

Hi all.
Have had to down size from Mac C2300 + JBL LSR6312 (acitive) to an integrated with the now selected SCM40. The room is awfully small. Listening distance is about 7ft and speakers will be 6ft apart. 
Due to the compact placement, a sealed box would be best, thus these speakers.

Music taste runs from Slayer, Metallica, Rammstein to Enya, Patricia Barber, Mary Black, The Prodigy ... mostly the heavier stuff..

Please help me by advising which amp will smoothens the highs (most heavy metal recordings accentuate the highs) and give me slam

ATC SIA2150 (adv : same make as speakers)  OR
Parasound Hint 6 (adv : tone control, phono stage)


Showing 1 response by celtic66

Agree these speakers and the room are not a match made in heaven.  Consider a direction change.  ATC SCM20ASL Pro mk2 6.5" Powered Studio Monitors.  250W woofer, 50W tweeter.

Smaller physical size, no need for amplifier and these will rock.  I own the SCM 40 active so understand the sound.