Which floorstander to match Accuphase E-450?


I'm looking for a floorstander to match the Accuphase E-450 Int Amp. Listen mostly to jazz, vocal, and some light pop, and a little new age. prefer something with good bass, sweet high. very sensitive to lean sound so will want to avoid that.

budget is around $5000-$7000.

feel free to 'throw' any speakers suggestions

thanks in advance

+1 for the harbeth SHL5 and Accuphase E-450 combo! I am using this very combination and find it a fabulous match!
the harbeth SHL5 is a great match wth E450 + DP500. Heard it a few times and its fantastic.

E450 might run out of steam with the bigger Dyns though in a big room.
Rc5al - what's your final choice?

I have the same amplifier like you, E-450 and the DP-500 player and also I'm looking for a floorstander to match with the Accuphase sound.
A few solutions in my maximum buget (~ 10.000 euros):

1.B&W 803D
2.Focal Electra 1037Be
3.Dynaudio Contour S5.4 / Dynaudio Confidence C2
4.Triangle Magellan Cello
5.ProAc Response D38
6.Dali Helicon 800 MKII / Dali Euphonia MS4
7.Spendor S9e
8.Opera Callas Divina

Maybe Revel Performa F 52 , but I can't listen in my country yet.

Any suggestions are welcome.

the 450 goes well with just about anything. just get the speaker you like, and don't worry about the amp
I'll throw out a few: (all fall into your $ range used)
1. Dynaudio Confidence C2's (I own these and am biased)
2. Verity Parsifal Encore
3. Von Schweikert VR-4SR, VR-5SE, DB-99mkII

Could also go with Dynaudio C1 monitors with a REL Studio subwoofer.