Which end is which?

Just pick up a used Transparent high performance digital 75ohm cable from 2003

One end is marked red. Are these directional and if so which side does the red plug into.


Showing 1 response by mark200mph

I bought a used set of transparent cabels with the big magic box.one explanation i got was you can use different lengths  do to the magic box.onother blog stated the took the magic box apart to find out what was in it. Then I got a set of biwire that had the single end  on one end and the bidirectional on the other with the big black magic box closer to it .so by deduction I figure the black box goes closer to the speaker end. I keep hoping a genie pops out of it and grants me my powerball wish so I can buy more audio equipment and pay more taxes. Enjoy the music and the search. I was raised by a nuclear physicists who was 2nd gen Einstein trained.what a ride.