Which digital input to use? Technics SU-R1000 or Technics SL-G700

First of all let me start by saying I've been an avid reader of the forums for quite some time but this is my first thread...

I have both the Technics SU-R1000 (Integrated) and the Technics SL-G700 (CD / SACD & Streamer).

I am using a Raspberry Pi running Roopieee with audio going out through a HiFiBerry Digi+ hat (optical).

I use this for Tidal / Qobuz and also my own digitised CD library.

I know that the  SL-G700 uses a dual mono DAC circuit (AK4497 from Asahi Kasei) but I am unsure of what the SU-R1000 uses.

Question is, which input should I be utilizing?

Digital in to the streamer with analogue out to the amp
Digital in to the amp 

Any opinions appreciated!

Thank you. 

Showing 7 responses by ricevs

You don’t get it. The amp is a digital amp. It takes digital signals and converts them to analog via a pcm to pwm converter (pure digital with class D PWM output stage)......this is not a DAC in the normal sense of the word.

Now there might be a cheap DAC chip in there to convert the digital inputs to analog to feed the record out rca jacks.....but that DAC chip *if such a thing exists" would have nothing to do with the amp section.   And if there is a DAC in there to do this......why the heck would you care.  You are buying this to hear a digital amp......not to use as a DAC.  It already does what a DAC does.  If you want a great DAC....the there are tons of other options.
Yes, try and cover your tracks....you had no idea how the Technics worked till I told you.
Get it right George......the AD 5572 is a A/D converter.....not a D/A converter. There is no D/A converter (DAC) in any Technics...they are pure digital amps.....pcm to pwm conversion done directly by software.

The A/D converter is used to turn the analog signals into PCM signals......then the software turns it into PWM....unless the input is digital......the it is pure PCM to PWM.....and no A/D is needed.
The Technics website says the 1000 has an AKM A/D and shows a picture of the AKM chip......see the link George provides.  Tone Audio review and the other thing you quoted is about the 700.......I am talking about the latest and greatest 1000......so the older 700 is using Burr Brown and 1000 is using AKM.  Not very important.....as every single thing inside something makes the sound.  The Technics 1000 seem to sound very good.....but I don't see any "this is state of the art raves".  Too bad, I was hoping the 1000 would kill everything.  Thank you Technics.....next....he he.   
There is no DAC in the Technics machines.  It is a PCM to PWM converter......done in software.....same as the original TACT Millennium and all the current Lyngdorf amps.  The A to D converter is an AKM as shown in their literature......not a Burr-Brown.....unless they had to switch to Burr-Brown because the the fire at AKM factory.
When you tell the truth.......we all win.  If you pretend....we all lose.  I want us all to win.  We are worthy.....We are worth telling the truth....even if it means saying we don't know what we are talking about.  We are all play acting as human beings here.....the human dance has flaws.....we are also pure divine light and love.....with no flaw what so ever.  We can forgive our human side because it is not who we truly are.  You might want to check out some NDE (Near Death Experience) videos to see what others have experienced (how truly worthy and beautiful we all are).
I don’t think there is anything "proprietary" in the AKM A/D circuit that Technics is using. Just using the AKM chip. Of course, the power supply used and the input stage used affects the sound.......so, in that sense everyone one who uses a particular chip will have a "one of a kind....in house design".