Which companies deserve a star for Christmas

Which companies gave you a stellar experiences this year in terms of excellent product, and knowledgeable and accessible sales and service?
After spending 45 minutes of hold with AT&T last night and never being able to even talk to a person at several companies this year. It is refreshing that in audio you still can talk to someone quickly who is eager and able to help you.
I nominate in alphabetical order the following companies that gave me stellar experiences this year: Audio Horizons, Ayon, Morrow Audio, Nuforce, Stillpoints, Von Schweikert.

Showing 1 response by davidpritchard

Synergistic Research (SR) has provided service and advice that rates 5 stars. During the last year I have installed a SR based system in both my headphone system and my floorstanding speaker system. Multiple calls to clarify what power cord , speaker cable, interconnect, etc. have always been answered right then. Never a voice mail box or a we will return your call message. When I lost a connecting part, they promptly sent out a replacement.
Scott Walker Audio also has my 5 star rating. If looking to purchase SR products he is a great resource.
Listening to Christmas music has never sounded better!