Which CDP Provides Weighty Presentation $2k ?

I'm looking for a Solid State player for up to $2k Used that provides a weighty presentation in various systems (not heavily system dependent in performance). Looking particularly for weighty midbass and bass. (no leanness-not thin or light weight) There are many terms that fill in this sonic picture: low end grunt, heft, fullness, bass weight slam and extension; but I don't want rolled off or muted highs. I currently have a Jolida JD 100 and Sony Modwright 999ES.-Hydra 4, AZ IC's and speaker wire, DK Signature -Remimer Wind Rivers

I'm looking for a player with:

1. fullness/palpability
2. weight in midbass
3. weight in low bass
4. clean high end (not rolled off)
5. in other words,extended at the frequency extremes

Thanks for your feedback.

Showing 1 response by audphile1

Audio Research CD2 would fit your criteria. Absolutely not thin or lean. Very extended and not bright. Bass is awesome. Lays out an excellent soundstage.