Which Cayin CD player for A50T

Just bought the Cayin A 50T integrated amp, which is on its way. It will be driving a pair of Totem Arros in my secondary (office) system. There are several Cayin CD player models that come up for sale here and I was wondering which is the most appropriate match. I'm not looking for the absolute best of its own accord - I'm guessing the most expensive fits that bill. I'm looking for what's reasonable for these speakers and amp. Thanks.

Secondarily, any suggestions on cabling for this system? Thanks. -Dave
I know it's not a tubed CDP, but I'm using a Cambridge 840C with my Cayin A50T with excellent results.

Which output tubes are curently in your amp? I just wend from EL-34 winged C, to the KT-77 Gold Lons. The Gold Lions are fantastic, and really are a performance upgrade for the amp.
If I can get the 23 for not much more than the 50, is that a good idea or is the money better spent on something like tube rolling or cabling? Thanks. -Dave
The CD50T was marketed (and I assume designed) to go along with your amp. Notice the curved section at the bottom of both face plates. I was wanting one for some time but never did purchase. Money evaporated! Everyone owner I asked had great things to say about it. Apparently the single 12AU7 is critical to it's sound and I would doubt that the original supplied tube gets the most out of it. Do a search here on Agon, there were some discussions on this player and I think even a formal Review.
To clarify - I'm looking for a CD player that was designed to mesh with this amp. A couple people have back-channeled me offering me newer Cayin CD players that are more expensive and may not have been designed to go with the A 50T integrated. I am guessing the CD50T is the player that was designed to go with this amp, but that's only a guess based on the model name.