Which cartridge in a Nottingham Analogue?

I'm thinking of going with the Nottingham Analogue Interstate Junior with the Nottingham tone arm.
I've been given the option of numerous cartridges but I don't know a( what their sound signature is like and b)How will they work in the Nottingham if I like the sound clean and detailed?

If anyone has opinions on any of these please feel free to share. Thanks very much by the ay the advice is helpful.
So, in no particular order my options are

Benz Micro MC-Gold
Dynavector 10x5
Ortofon Quintet Blue
Clearaudio Concept MC
Clearaudio Performer v2
Denon DL 103R
Grado Reference Platinum 1
Grado Statement Sonata 1
Ortofon 2M Black
Transrotor Cantare
Sumiko Blue Point EVO III

Showing 2 responses by inna

Nottingham cartridges were based on Goldring and they sounded excellent in Spacearm.
I would definitely go with Goldring 1042, at least to begin with.It's $360 cartridge, if you get it from the UK. Some people use it in much more expensive set-ups.
I am about to unpack my Spacedeck/Spacearm and that's exactly the cartridge I am going to mount.
I was also recommended Soundsmith Carmen. Maybe later.
My phono stage is Acoustech.
As I understand, better Nagaoka might work well too.
1012 and 1042 are different level cartridges. Yes, many put Dynavector or Shelter in Spacearm and like the sound. A matter of taste. If I wanted to go with MC, I would probably try Lyra first.
Anyone has this set-up- Spacedeck/Spacearm/Lyra ?