Which cartridge for Graham 2.2 arm?

Just scored a Graham 2.0 factory upgraded to 2.2 with bearing cap and ceramic wand.
Conventional wisdom says that at 11 grams effective mass it would best be paired with a high-compliance cartridge, something on the order of 18uN/mm or higher?

Poking around on-line I see static AND active compliance listed for some carts; hoo boy a new variable...
Budget is not unlimited, say around $500 and I have no problem with used, in fact most of my stuff is.

Any Graham owners want to weigh in? Any one at all want to weigh in?

Associated equipment: Bix turntable, bel canto Pre-2P, Wyred 4 Sound amplifier, Wilson Audio Duettes
Thanks very much for all the input everybody, I will take it all under advisement.
I have a high-output Grado wood cart so I could try that to start.

Excellent choice. For fun, I put a Grado Opus3 on my Graham 2.2 mounted on a full Pedersen modified (and other mods) Michell Orbe SE. I ask folks how much they think the cartridge costs. Answers so far are $600 - $3k. The Opus3 retails for $275.

High output MC cartridges in your price range will easily be beat by either Grado (MM) or Soundsmith (MI) cartridges in the same price range.
Nice. I was looking at the Soundsmith carts as well. I have owned several B&O tables and did enjoy the MMC designs. 
@chakster , Correct, it was very poorly made. I had one.

@tzed , check out the Grado 1042. Also, you can always add mass to the tonearm to make it work with somewhat less compliant cartidges.