Which cables go with what?????

I never fails to amaze me, the questions people ask on this forum, always trying to find some synergy between cables and their components/speakers.

The fact is: there are two classes of cables:
1) Those that are neutral
2) Those that impose a sonic signature (tone controls of a sort)

If the average audiophile spent his time trying to weed-out the tone control cables and get some neutral cables, then all that would be left is to determine the right synergy between his or her components. This may mean elimination of an offensive component, as painful as that sounds.

Component synergy is real. Amps and speaker combinations definitely need to be selected carefully. In some cases also preamp-amp synergies are important. If you are using tubes, then there are even more compatibility issues. But cables, forget it. If you are trying to compensate for a poor component or speaker design by using tone control cables, you will probably never be happy and likely compromise the sound of the other components in the process. You will certainly never approach a live or "master-tape" sound. There, that's my editorial. Hopefully some will learn from it.

Showing 1 response by sogood51

Some post in regards to cable and power cords amaze me also, I do expect to someday read a post where the poster has gone out and bought a PC, and now wants to know what system he should build around it, he may get a few answers on it. On the other hand (neutral) products are not the design goal behind many amps,preamps,cdp's and other audio gear that we audiophiles and non-audiophiles buy and love. Some of the most sought after gear in the world are (voiced) to have left/right of neutral if you will type of sound, doesn't seem to make their buyers think less of them, on the contrary, they may ITHO think that a system which is neutral has no life and does not move them at all. Which is right and which is wrong? As the above posters asked, what is neutral? Is it what I think, or what you think? With so much sonic signature in our systems (that we seek out) what would a neutral cable matter?