Which brand of 45 tubes do you use?

Can anyone using 45 tube amplifiers share their knowledge about what manufactures make them and your impressions of the quality. An impression of the sound quality in your system would be useful. I know that there is NOS, EML and Sophia Electric 45s. Any others?

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

KR makes a 45 that they ship with their P-135 Preamp. Most KR tubes are designed so that although output is consistent with the spec for the tube, the plate dissipation is higher than spec allowing you to drive the tube harder to get more out of it without sacrificing tube life.

I have retail pricing on this tube at $850 a matched pair but don’t have the spec’s or data sheet. I reached out to Eunice and Marek to get it. I ought to have the data sheets on Monday. They are usually super responsive.

An interesting amp to try with your speakers might be the Art Audio PX25.  It is 5w amp and obviously uses the PX25 tube.  The PX25 is between a 300B and 2A3 in terms of sound profile where it has a midrange that is lush but not as lush as a 300B and it offers more detail than a 300B but not quite what you would get from a 2A3.  It sounds closer to a 300B than a 2A3.  Pricing depends on a few variable but it is an interesting amp.  

I think Art Audio may have been mentioned to you by a mutual friend. PM Me if you want more info on the tube or amps.