
I'm looking to upgrade my LS-15 to one of the following linestages:

LS-5 Mk III, LS-16 Mk I, LS-25 Mk I, Reference One, Reference Two Mk I

How do you compare those against each other? Please share your experience if you owned any of them...

I like the sound of 6922 tubes... How does it compare to the sound of 6H30 in the more recent LS-16 Mk II, LS-25 Mk II, Reference Two Mk II?

My system as follows:

Wadia 830
Sonus Faber Cremona
MIT Shotgun S3 IC & SC

I listen mostly to Classical Baroque and Jazz instrumental & vocals

Thanks for your advices!

Showing 3 responses by gundam91

I recently purchased one which came with reference level modification from the Great Northern Sounds (GNSC). It also came with a quad of Siemens Falcon 6922s recommanded by Steve Huntley of GNSC. (The previous owner went all out with the mods) The LS-25 replaced the LS-2B Mk II that had been in my system for almost 8 years. In short, I was very impressed with the overall improvement. (I did not know my Thiel 3.6 was capable to produce that kind of bass and soundstage, and I had them for 10 years) The other day, we did a shootout between my modded LS-25 and a Sonic Frontier Line 3 SE. Everyone preferred the Line 3 slightly over the modded LS-25. But when I took out the Siemens and inserted a quad of Amperex white label USN-CEP 7308s, it was like we were listening to a different linestage! All 4 votes went to the LS-25 with Amperex tubes. The Amperex simply embarrased the Siemens! (I had tested those tubes on my TV7D/U tube tester when I first received the unit, so I know they are still OK)

Regarding the GNSC mod, I have been wanting to do a shootout with a stock LS-25 MkI to see how good the GNSC mods are. I sent out an invitation on Audio Asylum but got no response. I guess there aren't too many of them out here in the San Francisco Bay Area...

My next challange will be against a Ref 2 Mk I and a Ref 2 Mk II.

As for modifying ARC products from 110V to 240V, I have heard that it is a closely guarded secret and that ARC does not like to do that. Do a search on here and AA, I think there was a thread a few weeks ago discussing about that.

The thing about after market mods is that you will never be able to recover the cost that goes into the mods. So before you decide to do it, make sure that you are going to like th changes and that you are planning to keep the unit for a long time. The GNSC reference level mod for the LS-25 costs around $2000, and maybe another $200 for the quad of Siemens 6922s. The unit I got was modded 18 months ago and I only paid $400 dollars over what the stock LS-25 MkI are going for on the used market. And this was through a dealer too!

By the way, there are a few of these on eBay. You might want to check them out. I was doing a search on eBay yesterday to check out what the going prices are for an ARC LS-1 that I am planning on selling and found a Ref 1 and an LS-5 Mk II there.

By the way, I think the general consensus is that the LS-5 Mk II is better than Mk III?
