which amp to best drive big ML's?

Hey now...

I've narrowed down to two amps to drive my pending Martin Logans (SL3 or Quest). Both of which (i think) are 4ohm and have a max range of 200w (on paper).

My two choices thus far are;
mccormack DNA-1
B&K ST-2140 or ST-202

Now, the DNA-1 is rated at 185w @ 8ohm so i'm sure its pumping out a ton at 4ohm.
the B&K 202 is 150w, and the 2140 is 140w. I'm sure both are over 200w (but not over 300w) at 4ohm.

any insight as to which would drive these big MLs best?
I have heard the DNA-1 plenty, and love it. I've been running an older B&K amp and I like the mosfet sound so I assume the other two models i'm pondering will sound similar yet better.

I also know that a good amp is important for speakers like these. I'm just wondering if something that pushes 300w at 4ohm is going to be too much? I tend to lean on the volume occasionaly.

if the B&Ks will do it justice, i'm inclined to go that direction as I can save considerable money and know I love that sound all ready.

opinions welcome!

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

Not realy 4Ohm or 3Ohm is the major problem of ML-s. Their problem is in upper range where impedance sometimes jumps to 35Ohms!
I'd suggest combining in bi-amp setup tube and SS amps together.