Which amp for my new Volti Razz

My order is in for my own pair of Volti Razz. I have three amplifiers to choose from in my small collection. Of course I’m going to try all three. However I’m curious what my fellow brothers and sisters here in the Church of AG would suggest. Feel free to suggest others that aren’t on my merger list that i currently own.

1. McIntosh 240

2. Rogue Atlas III

3. Cary 2300A (an early 80wpc hybrid from Cary.)

As always I appreciate and welcome any and all thoughts.

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Showing 1 response by mrdecibel

I am making a suggestion from experience helping hundreds and hundreds of listeners with their set ups. Get the speakers. Set them up as optimally as you can; the best seating distance and toe in; minimize rear and side wall reflections, etc. Listen to the 3 amps you have.....get to know the speaker, and to hear and experience the qualities, whether good or bad, of all 3 amps currently owned. Take your time, and you will determine what it is YOU like, and don't like. Some hundreds of hours of play time to break the speakers in......and then shop for your ideal amplifier ( which does not exist, btw ). If you listen to bass players such as Stanley Jordan ( he is just an example of having the ability of playing " fast " ), you will likely want a dc coupled solid state unit ). Unfortunately, it is all about compromise, and what characteristics are most important to you. I own horns, and for my preferred characteristics, dc coupled, class A solid state is what I use. This is, of course, my opinion. Good luck. MrD.